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                                        COMMERCE SYLLABUS

Unit 1: Business Environment and International Business

Unit 2: Accounting and Auditing 

Unit 3: Business Economics 

Unit 4: Business Finance 

Unit 5: Business Statistics and Research Methods 

Unit 6: Business Management and Human Resource Management 

Unit 7: Banking and Financial Institutions 

Unit 8: Marketing Management

Unit 9: Legal Aspects of Business

Unit 10: Income-charge and Corporate Tax Planning 

                          Unit 1: Business Environment and International Business

 Concepts and components of business climate: Economic climate Economic frameworks, Economic policies(Monetary and monetary strategies); Political climate Role of government in business; Legal climate Consumer Protection Act, FEMA; Socio-social variables and their impact on business; Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) 

 Scope and significance of worldwide business; Globalization and its drivers; Modes of section into global business

 Theories of worldwide exchange; Government intercession in global exchange; Tariff and non-duty hindrances; India's unfamiliar exchange strategy

 Foreign direct venture (FDI) and Foreign portfolio speculation (FPI); Types of FDI, Costs and advantages of FDI to home and host nations; Trends in FDI; India's FDI strategy

 Balance of installments (BOP): Importance and parts of BOP 

 Regional Economic Integration: Levels of Regional Economic Integration; Trade creation and redirection impacts; Regional Trade Agreements: European Union (EU), ASEAN, SAARC, NAFTA 

 International Economic foundations: IMF, World Bank, UNCTAD 

 World Trade Organization (WTO): Functions and targets of WTO; Agriculture Agreement; GATS; TRIPS; TRIMS


                                            Unit 2: Accounting and Auditing

 Basic bookkeeping standards; ideas and proposes

 Partnership Accounts: Admission, Retirement, Death, Dissolution and Insolvency of organization firms 

 Corporate Accounting: Issue, relinquishment and reissue of offers; Liquidation of organizations; Acquisition, consolidation, combination and remaking of organizations 

 Holding organization accounts 

 Cost and Management Accounting: Marginal costing and Break-even investigation; Standard costing; Budgetary control; Process costing; Activity Based Costing (ABC); Costing for dynamic; Life cycle costing, Target costing, Kaizen costing and JIT

 Financial Statements Analysis: Ratio investigation; Funds stream Analysis; Cash stream examination 

 Human Resources Accounting; Inflation Accounting; Environmental Accounting 

 Indian Accounting Standards and IFRS 

 Auditing: Independent monetary review; Vouching; Verification promotion valuation of resources and liabilities; Audit of budget summaries and review report; Cost review 

 Recent Trends in Auditing: Management review; Energy review; Environment review; Systems review; Safety review


                                              Unit 3: Business Economics

 Meaning and extent of business financial aspects 

 Objectives of business firms 

 Demand investigation: Law of interest; Elasticity of interest and its estimation; Relationship among AR and MR 

 Consumer conduct: Utility investigation; Indifference bend examination 

 Law of Variable Proportions: Law of Returns to Scale 

 Theory of cost: Short-run and since quite a while ago run cost bends 

 Price assurance under various market structures: Perfect rivalry; Monopolistic contest; Oligopoly-Price administration model; Monopoly; Price segregation

  Pricing procedures: Price skimming; Price infiltration; Peak load valuing


                                                Unit 4: Business Finance

  Scope and wellsprings of account; Lease financing

  Cost of capital and time worth of cash

  Capital construction

  Capital planning choices: Conventional and logical procedures of capital planning investigation 

  Working capital administration; Dividend choice: Theories and strategies

 Risk and return examination; Asset securitization

 International money related framework

 Foreign trade market; Exchange rate hazard and supporting strategies 

 International monetary business sectors and instruments: Euro money; GDRs; ADRs 

 International exchange; Multinational capital planning

                                 Unit 5: Business Statistics and Research Methods

 Measures of focal propensity

 Measures of scattering 

 Measures of skewness 

 Correlation and relapse of two factors 

 Probability: Approaches to likelihood; Bayes' hypothesis 

 Probability circulations: Binomial, poisson and typical dispersions

 Research: Concept and types; Research plans

 Data: Collection and arrangement of information

 Sampling and assessment: Concepts; Methods of examining - likelihood and non-likelihood techniques; Sampling appropriation; Central cutoff hypothesis; Standard blunder; Statistical assessment 

 Hypothesis testing: z-test; t-test; ANOVA; Chi–square test; Mann-Whitney test (U-test); Kruskal-Wallis test (H-test); Rank relationship test

 Report composing 

                       Unit 6: Business Management and Human Resource Management

 Principles and elements of the board

 Organization structure: Formal and casual associations; Span of control

 Responsibility and authority: Delegation of power and decentralization

 Motivation and initiative: Concept and speculations

 Corporate administration and business morals

 Human asset the board: Concept, job and elements of HRM; Human asset arranging; Recruitment and choice; Training and advancement; Succession arranging

 Compensation the board: Job assessment; Incentives and incidental advantages

 Performance examination including 360 degree execution evaluation

 Collective bartering and laborers' investment in administration

 Personality: Perception; Attitudes; Emotions; Group elements; Power and legislative issues; Conflict and arrangement; Stress the board

 Organizational Culture: Organizational turn of events and authoritative change

                                  Unit 7: Banking and Financial Institutions

  Overview of Indian monetary framework

 Types of banks: Commercial banks; Regional Rural Banks (RRBs); Foreign banks; Cooperative banks

  Reserve Bank of India: Functions; Role and money related strategy the board

  Banking area changes in India: Basel standards; Risk the board; NPA the executives

  Financial business sectors: Money market; Capital market; Government protections market

  Financial Institutions: Development Finance Institutions (DFIs); Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFCs); Mutual Funds; Pension Funds

 Financial Regulators in India

 Financial area changes including monetary incorporation

 Digitisation of banking and other monetary administrations: Internet banking; versatile banking; Digital installments frameworks

 Insurance: Types of protection Life and Non-life coverage; Risk characterization and the executives; Factors restricting the insurability of hazard; Re-protection; Regulatory structure of protection IRDA and its job

                                            Unit 8: Marketing Management

 Marketing: Concept and approaches; Marketing channels; Marketing blend; Strategic advertising arranging; Market division, focusing on and situating

 Product choices: Concept; Product line; Product blend choices; Product life cycle; New item advancement

 Pricing choices: Factors influencing value assurance; Pricing approaches and systems

 Promotion choices: Role of advancement in showcasing; Promotion strategies - Advertising; Personal selling; Publicity; Sales advancement instruments and methods; Promotion blend

 Distribution choices: Channels of dissemination; Channel the executives

 Consumer Behavior; Consumer purchasing measure; factors impacting buyer purchasing choices

 Service advertising

 Trends in advertising: Social promoting; Online showcasing; Green advertising; Direct promoting; Rural advertising; CRM

 Logistics the board


                                            Unit 9: Legal Aspects of Business

 Indian Contract Act, 1872: Elements of a legitimate agreement; Capacity of gatherings; Free assent; Discharge of an agreement; Breach of agreement and cures against penetrate; Quasi agreements;

  Special agreements: Contracts of repayment and assurance; agreements of bailment and promise; Contracts of organization

 Sale of Goods Act, 1930: Sale and consent to sell; Doctrine of Caveat Emptor; Rights of neglected vender and privileges of purchaser

 Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881: Types of debatable instruments; Negotiation and task; Dishonor and release of debatable instruments

  The Companies Act, 2013: Nature and sorts of organizations; Company arrangement; Management, gatherings and ending up of a business entity

  Limited Liability Partnership: Structure and methodology of arrangement of LLP in India

  The Competition Act, 2002: Objectives and fundamental arrangements

  The Information Technology Act, 2000: Objectives and fundamental arrangements; Cyber violations and punishments

 The RTI Act, 2005: Objectives and fundamental arrangements

  Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) : Patents, brand names and copyrights; Emerging issues in licensed innovation

  Goods and Services Tax (GST): Objectives and primary arrangements; Benefits of GST; Implementation instrument; Working of double GST


                               Unit 10: Income-charge and Corporate Tax Planning 

 Income-charge: Basic ideas; Residential status and expense occurrence; Exempted salaries; Agricultural pay; Computation of available pay under different heads; Deductions from Gross all out pay; Assessment of Individuals; Clubbing of livelihoods

 International Taxation: Double tax collection and its aversion system; Transfer pricin Corporate Tax Planning: Concepts and meaning of corporate expense arranging; Tax evasion versus tax avoidance; Techniques of corporate duty arranging; Tax contemplations in explicit business circumstances: Make or purchase choices; Own or rent a resource; Retain; Renewal or substitution of resource; Shut down or proceed with activities

 Deduction and assortment of assessment at source; Advance installment of expense; E-documenting of annual government forms.




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