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guide to clear ugc nta net |
How to crack ugc net exam & Preparation strategy
University Grants Commission (UGC) NET exam conducted by NTA i.e National Eligibility Test for the post of Assistant Professor and for Ph.d JRF (Junior Research Fellowship) Twice a year. UGC NET considered as one to toughest exam to crack in india the success rate is only 6%.
so to qualify the exam you must prepare and plan strategy with the help of good plan you can fulfill your dream of beign a assistant professor .
In this article i am going to share some very important tips and tricks to crack ugc net in 1st first also i will share a detail plan and preparation strategy..
"It always seems impossible until it's done"
(by Nelson Mandela)
UGC-NET, as it is famously known, is directed double each year/held twice a year
Follow these tips to break the UGC-NET test in only one go.
National Eligibility Test (NET) is directed for the benefit of the University Grants Commission (UGC) for deciding the qualification of Assistant Professorship, Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) or both, for different colleges and schools.
UGC-NET, as it is prevalently known, is directed/held twice/double a year. Be that as it may, in 2020 because of the Covid-19 pandemic, the June
2020 assessment got postponed and was conceded to September 2020 until November
2020 to cover every one of the subjects. The December 2020 cycle must be
delayed, which is currently being led in March-April 2021.
On comparative lines to the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) assessments, an up-and-comer needs to plan with most extreme truthfulness and devotion for the UGC-NET test.
Getting design/Exam pattern
As a matter of first importance, an individual necessities to comprehend the example of the
assessment. UGC-NET test is led in two papers Paper-1 and Paper-2. While
Paper-1 incorporates general themes like Teaching Aptitude, Quantitative
Aptitude, Polity and constitution and Environment, among others. This specific
paper is considered to be simpler to break and an individual can target scoring
great imprints.
Then again, the schedule of Paper-2 is completely founded on the prospectus of graduation and post-graduation levels. Somewhere around a devoted groundwork for around 90 days is needed to effectively break this test
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UGC NET test: Paper pattern
For Paper-2, there will be 100 objective-type questions, which will be from the schedule of graduation and post-graduation courses individually. For example, if an applicant is showing up for the UGC-NET assessment in the subject of trade, then, at that point the schedule for Paper-2 will be from the graduation (BCom) and post-graduation (MCom) courses.
List out important topics
In a perfect world, a competitor can get ready for the UGC-NET test from reference books, mock tests and practice papers. Basically, an UGC-NET competitor should likewise make a rundown of significant themes and practice significant inquiries from those subjects. This will help them in planning for the test at a quicker speed.
A good and working strategy
As an examination technique, an applicant can separate the subjects into three classes: solid, medium and powerless. This way an up-and-comer would have the option to provide a guidance to their readiness by initially beginning groundwork for solid subjects, trailed by medium ones and in the end address the powerless subjects. The motivation to follow this methodology is that there is no sectional or subject-wise cutoff in the UGC-NET test, a competitor should simply have to zero in on augmenting their score.
Strong medium weak topics list it and divide it
Then, the inquiry emerges about how to isolate the subjects
into classifications of solid, medium and frail. A straightforward method to
embrace is to attempt to step through 23 fake examinations before beginning the
real readiness. Then, at that point a competitor can make a rundown of themes
in the classes of solid, medium and feeble subjects.
On account of subjects like Psychology, which includes
specialization, the UGC-NET test has just one paper and a competitor could be
suggested a conversation starter from all over the subjects. Thus, the planning
should be embraced according to the viewpoint of the general subject and not
only one space of specialization in Psychology.
The main paper covers General Aptitude, where an
up-and-comer is offered conversation starters identified with research. An
up-and-comer needs to have a decent handle on subjects of General Knowledge,
their specific subject and examination as if there should arise an occurrence
of certain inquiries, a competitor would have to decipher.
Main /important paper 2 subject
On account of a subject-explicit paper, a competitor needs to have top to bottom information about the subject, which is of the graduation level. The inquiries presented for this situation are target types. Then again, on account of presumption based inquiries, which are unquestionably thorough, a competitor needs to assemble quick and great understanding capacity.
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tips & tricks to crack ugc net |
Crack UGC NET in
first attempt
It is vital as far as the possibility to be aware and comprehend the necessities of this assessment like UGE NET prospectus, design, qualification standards, application strategy and other such huge subtleties before launching the arrangements.
Extremely late Preparation Tips For UGC NET The UGC NET is directed for deciding the qualification of Indian nationals for the qualification for Assistant Professor just or Junior Research Fellowship and qualification for Assistant Professor in Indian colleges and universities. During the last period of the arrangement, competitors ought not fail to keep a grip on ideas to pro the test. Here are the extremely late tips for UGC NET. Review Your Notes During the last stage, one should review every one of the systems and amend every one of the significant themes they have featured in oneself arranged notes.
Score Well In Paper I The authority warning unmistakably peruses that the inquiries will be nonexclusive in nature, aiming to survey the instructing/research fitness of the competitor. It tests the applicant's thinking capacity, appreciation, unique reasoning and general mindfulness. As it conveys a sum of 100 imprints, it's anything but encouraged to keep the Paper I to the side.
Sharpen Your Skills Candidates should chip away at abilities, for example, using time productively to dominate in the UGC NET. It's anything but a simple errand to break UGC NET inquiries in the given time. Consequently, it is encouraged to speed up to endeavor the quantity of inquiries. In any case, one ought not lose their precision while speeding up.
Last Days Strategy During the last days of the readiness, some additional endeavors are needed to stand apart from the group. Setting up a different report plan during the last seven day stretch of readiness is likewise one among them. Applicants are encouraged to draft a system dependent on their qualities and shortcomings.
Work On Opted Subject Paper II will be founded regarding the matter chose by the up-and-comers and it conveys 200 imprints. Certainly, Paper II assumes a critical part to score well in the assessment. Thus, applicants ought to dedicate more opportunity to Paper II arrangement other than not overlooking Paper I.
Significant Tips To Crack UGE NET
1.Re examine Your Notes: The main assignment to perform explicitly to break the UGC NET assessment is to amend every one of the pre-arranged notes and follow your books. Be it for the paper I or II, wannabes should update every one of the significant points they have featured in oneself arranged notes. Give a day each for modifying the pre-arranged notes since it comprises of all the significant data of themes in straightforward language.
2. Never Take Paper I Lightly: The UGC NET paper I require a useful methodology however the paper did not depend on subjects. As per the authority notice, the competitors will be tried on their instructing/research inclination. They are likewise tried on the thinking capacity, appreciation, unique reasoning and general mindfulness. During the keep going days, center around the appreciation and general attention to score well.
3. Save Your Options Open For Paper II: Paper II will be founded on subjects and this will determine the destiny of the applicants. However CBSE has distributed the point by point prospectus for each subject, a competitor needs to cross the schedule obstruction to score well. Continuously take a gander at the probabilities about the normal inquiries and one can likewise contemplate the old inquiry paper designs
4. Set up The Strategies: Aspirants need to give some additional exertion explicitly during the last days. One needs to set up a different report timetable and system for breaking this test. They ought to likewise set up a different procedure for the last day and D-day. It is recommended to follow a request contingent upon the competitor's qualities and shortcomings.
5. Increment Your Accuracy And Speed: The length of the paper I and II will be one and two hours separately. It's anything but a simple errand to break an inquiry in under two minutes. During readiness, a competitor needs to zero in on upgrading their speed without losing their exactness.
6. Lift Your Confidence: UGC NET is not the same as other
serious placement tests. As the assessment is directed for high-profile
positions, the norm of the assessment ought not be messed with. The opposition
for UGC NET will likewise be gigantic. Thinking about these all focuses, losing
certainty isn't empowered. Surely, one needs to persuade themselves to break
the assessment.
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UGC NET One Month Study Plan
As UGC NET test is only one month away, the time has come to begin the correction of prospectus. As you have effectively covered or known about the majority of the subjects, it is smarter to rehearse as many fake tests or practice tests conceivable. Persistent amendment and practice tests will prompt extreme accomplishment in the assessment.
UGC NET Three-Month Preparation Strategy and Study Plan
Normally, transient groundwork for UGC NET test is liked by those understudies who are either seeking after a last year Master's certification or jobholders. For such competitors, momentary readiness is the lone choice to toll well in the assessment. To assist the applicants with setting up a decent procedure for momentary planning, we have made some model schedules through which transient UGC NET readiness can be essentially conceivable.
UGC NET 3 Month Preparation Timetable
Contrasted with one year or half year readiness system, the
three-month procedure for the UGC NET test is totally extraordinary.
Competitors need to invest more energy on test planning each day, as the
schedule of the test is huge. Then again, the competitors should get ready for
both Paper I and II all the while in the limited ability to focus. We trust
that the underneath models will assist you with getting ready for UGC NET in a
superior manner in 90 days.
Total No. Of Units in
Paper I (Specified by NTA) |
10 Units |
No. Of Sub Topics in
Each Unit |
6-8 (Let us Assume 8) |
Total No. Of Sub-
Topics |
80 |
Total No. Of Sub
Topics to be covered in a Day |
At least Four |
Total No. Of Sub
Topics to be covered in a Week (Monday to Saturday) |
6X4 = 24 |
All Sub Topics to be
covered in |
One Month |
Mock Test Practice on
Sunday |
At least 2-3 Mock
Tests |
Total No. Of Units in
Paper II (any subject) |
Let us assume 10 |
No. Of Sub Topics in
Each Unit |
Let us assume 14 |
Total No. Of Sub-
Topics |
140 |
Total No. Of Sub
Topics to be covered in a Day |
At least Five |
Total No. Of Sub
Topics to be covered in a Week (Monday to Saturday) |
6X5 = 30 |
All Sub Topics to be
covered in |
One and Half Month |
Mock Test Practice on
Sunday |
At least 2-3 Mock
Tests |
DAY TO DAY PLAN for UGC NET Three-Month Preparation
Total No. Of Hours to be Spent for Exam Preparation (Per Day) |
10 Hours |
Morning Session (5:00 AM to 8:00 AM) |
Paper II (Subject Specific) - Pick Up at least two sub-topics |
10:00 AM to 1:00 PM |
Paper II (Subject Specific) - Pick Up at least Two Topics |
3:00 PM to 5:00 PM |
Paper II (Subject Specific) - Pick Up at least one subtopic and revise
already covered topics |
7:00 PM to 9:00 PM |
Paper I (Pick up at least 3-4 Sub Topics) |
One year/six months preparation plan/strategy to crack ugc nta net
Typically, the prospectus of the
UGC NET test depends on Master's certificate schedule. For example, if an
understudy finished M.A. Political Theory, he/she can show up for UGC NET test
in Political Science. The schedule of the test is generally founded on M.A.
Political Theory schedule, and significant accentuation ought to be given to
something similar.
The inquiry comes into your brain
is How to Prepare for Exam in One Year? Would i be able to break UGC NET in the
main endeavor? The appropriate response is yes. You can break the UGC NET in
the main endeavor on the off chance that you depend on long haul readiness.
Nonetheless, there are a few special cases here, which will be examined in the
last part. First and foremost, let us center around setting up a drawn out
planning methodology for the UGC NET test.
Steady Revision of Subject is the
Key: If you are zeroing in on long haul groundwork for the UGC NET test, ensure
that you amend the subject occasionally. Typically, two sorts of understudies
show up for UGC NET test, i.e., understudies who have finished a Masters'
certificate and understudies who are seeking after conclusive year Master's
Understudies who have finished the Master's certificate and planning for the UGC NET test should initially begin with the principal year prospectus of Master's certification course. Prior to beginning the groundwork for the UGC NET test, allude the UGC NET Syllabus and separation the subjects appropriately. For instance, when you are checking the schedule, you may track down the comparable points that you concentrated in the first or second year Master's certificate course. Gap the subjects appropriately and start your readiness.
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Divide the syllabus topic wise
It is in every case better to begin groundwork for UGC NET Paper-II first. The prospectus of a subject in UGC NET test is isolated as points and subtopics. Your plan/strategy follows:
Plan 1
Name of the Subject |
Economics or Any sub |
Number of Units (Topics) |
10 |
Number of Sub-Topics in Each Unit |
10 - 14 (Let us assume 14) |
Total Number of Sub-Topics to Prepare |
10 X 14 = 140 |
No. Of Sub-Topics that Can be Covered Per Day (Refer Day Wise Timetable
Below) |
Three |
No. Of Sub Topics that can be covered in a Week (Five Days - Monday to
Friday) |
3X5 = 15 (Three Sub Topics Per Day Multiplied by Five. So, 15
sub-topics can be covered in a week). |
Sixth Day, i.e., Saturday |
Practice Test for the One Complete Topic |
Plan 2
Name of the Subject |
English Literature/Any |
Number of Units (Topics) |
15 |
Number of Sub-Topics in Each Unit |
12 - 16 (Let us Assume 16) |
Total Number of Sub-Topics to Prepare |
15 X 16 = 240 |
No. Of Sub-Topics that Can be Covered Per Day (Refer Day Wise
Timetable Below) |
Three |
No. Of Sub Topics that can be covered in a Week (Five Days - Monday to
Friday) |
3X5 = 15 (Three Sub-Topics Per Day Multiplied by Five. So, 15
sub-topics can be covered in a week). |
Sixth Day, i.e., Saturday |
Practice Test for the One Complete Topic |
The quantity of hours you spend
for UGC NET test arrangement each day totally relies upon your every day
schedule. In long haul arrangement, one can spend no less than 8-10 hours out
of each day for the planning .This approach may weaken your general
presentation. On the off chance that you are planning 10 hours of the day,
partition the quantity of hours appropriately.
Get up ahead of schedule! It is a
decent methodology in long haul readiness. Essentially go through three hours
in the first part of the day for understanding the idea. Note down the
significant themes in the wake of perusing a specific idea and sweep every one
of the significant focuses. Contingent upon the idea of the subject, you can
finish somewhere around a couple of points in the first part of the day
meeting. Planning for the test in morning hours is exceptionally valuable, as
you concentrate with a fresh mind.
I have tried my best to clear all your doubts regarding exam preparation strategy.
follow the exam plan and start your preparation now !!!!
comment below if you have any doubt
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